
Xanga Stalk

My dad is the greatest. Really. He’s amazing. One flaw…[shhh, don’t tell him I told] He seems to think that I need a husband. Just read the front page of his website.

Anyway, typically this is not too much of an issue. He goes and speaks – runs into a guy round about my age – tells them he has a beautiful daughter they should think about marrying – yadda yadda yadda.

All of this was funny and did not really involve me until…Half.

My dad travels to Taiwan every so often for speaking and happened to meet Half at one of the school’s soccer games. A few weeks later I got a message on my Xanga [this was way back in the day, I had a Xanga…yes Cha, it is time to move on] from this random guy. Half seemed nice enough and was currently living in Taiwan as a middle school teacher.

His first message did not freak me out; it was simple, something to the effect of “your dad is great.” I quickly agreed.

His second message was a bit freakier, something to the effect of “he was right, he does have a beautiful daughter” and then he proceeded to try and get to know me better by asking me many personal questions. Um…no thanks. I tried to quickly shut down the conversation.

His third message he sent me pictures of himself, shirtless, after running a half marathon. Um…ok. I won’t go into an analysis of the photos now, but he should not have sent them. His message also revealed that he knew too much about me. He said such statements like “I would love to maybe move to Nepal one day.” Hmmm…

After calling and relentlessly mocking my father for getting me into this situation [I believe my words were "do you tell men I am single and desperate and looking for a digital fairy tale?"] I began ignoring Half’s emails and he eventually stopped sending them. I have since deleted my Xanga and hopefully he is not reading this now.

…And this is why I don’t believe in arranged marriages.


yanela and mark said...

stories like that freak me out, and it seems like you get the lion's share of them happening to you.....

but.... i will also just throw out there that my mom called me one night after a seminary class, and opened with the line, "ok, so i met this wonderful young lady today that i would love for you to take out to dinner." mom had never done that before, and offered to give me money for the meal (since i was a broke sem student) so i told me she only gets one of these, did she want to spend it on this "lady." she said yes, and 2 weeks later i drove from chicago to st. louis to take yanela out for dinner. blind-ass date. we got married a year and a half later. go figure.

separate issue: what is the official term for a female in her 20's/30's? when my mom said "lady" i thought i'd be taking out one of her peo friends...

Anonymous said...

Is there no end to your stories of awesomeness?!

Anonymous said...

I always figure you're safe if you go with "chicks" or "babes". Never met a babe yet who disagreed with those names. . .

Unknown said...

Note to self: Stop taking shirtless pictures of myself with my cell phone in the bathroom mirror and sending them to random chicks whose phone number I got from their father.

lizzo said...

oh man, i remember when you got those emails. that was CRAZY!

... but a good story 2 years later ;)