
Coffee confession

I actually enjoyed a cup of Starbucks new instant brew coffee

Does that make me an inauthentic addict?


Unknown said...

When I was living in Mexico I became victim to Nescafe instant coffee. I decided that it proved all the more how much of an addict I actually was, that I would scoop spoonful after spoonful into my mug of water, just to get my coffee fix...that is not inauthentic...maybe just pathetic! However, I'd go for the brew over the instant any day

Andhari said...

sometimes it does taste better because you make it yourself.

I forgot what's the instant coffeee in my house, but it's so good.

Emma said...

after 6 years in asia... i stomach nescafe instant coffee on the regular. just because you drink it and can 'enjoy' it doesn't mean you aren't an addict... bc i am sure you and i still both know what a good cup of real coffee tastes like :). i had a ton of boy stories for you, but i lost your email address. am i dumb? i can't see it on this site anymore...

Yeti said...

ooOOO, more stories!! Yea! the address is still to the right of my page - at the verrrry top!


can't wait!