
What REALLY happened in sodom and gomorrah

This isn't what I would call Biblically accurate, but it is what I would call funny...and I don't suggest watching it if you are easily offended.


Robin said...

Holy trash! To think. All this time, I've been missing out on some very important details about this story. My bible school class got it all wrong!

Anonymous said...

sometimes that's exactly how i feel when i'm trying to figure this whole Bible thing out. "Here, have my daughters"?!?!?!?!?!


jk. (nope, not kidding)

Anonymous said...

oh, and also, why didn't you tell me it was going to be offensive? don't you know i'm easily offended?

jk. (nope...)

Griselda Johnson said...

ok, it played...HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA...that was funny.