
We women are hard on each other

Confession: we women are hard on each other – even if we don’t really know one another. When we first meet a guy the obvious first thing we have to do is find out whether he is taken or not [hand check]. And there is this strange thing that happens when women find out a man they think is pretty fantastic is taken. Whether this man is dating someone, engaged or married – the expectation is the same.

One of two things will happen…

We will be disappointed, but can’t really be upset because the girl he IS with is stinking amazing and they are really cute together. Somehow the fact that we can’t be with the guy becomes OK if he has chosen wisely in the girl he has decided to be with [I mean, if it can’t be us, it should be someone AS CLOSE to as amazing as us.]

Or we will just be annoyed because we didn’t meet him earlier. OBVIOUSLY he chose to settle because we were not in his life. We are simply annoyed that this man is not with someone fitting to his standard of awesome-ness. And, in some cases, we feel we must do something about it [I, of course, never feel this way].

All of life is a competition – and we women are watching each other WAY more than we are watching you guys.


[F]oxymoron said...

Confession: Men notice this stuff...

... unrelated ... you have a new poll!

Andhari said...

This is accurate. True but sad facts indeed. Don't forget how women curse like crazy if women we think are "less" than us date the men we think fantastic.

Emma said...

i think actually if the girl is amazing, it leaves us girls with more of a desire to find her flaws... we are irritated by her amazingness.... you don't think so?